Established in 2002, this Washington physical therapy practice has offered quality physical therapy services to numerous clients in King County. For the past three (3) years, the Practice has averaged gross revenue of ~$977,059 (2022-2024). Known for its great reputation, loyal client base, and high rate of word-of-mouth referrals, it is no wonder the Practice has an impressive client count. In 2024, the Practice reported 9,359 patient visits. The Practice currently employs fifteen (15) individuals including the Owner who is willing to provide transition assistance and help with goodwill transfer, business development, and other “mentoring” functions for an agreed-upon period.
Lucrative King County PT Practice
Lucrative King County PT Practice
Established in 2002, this Washington physical therapy practice has offered quality physical therapy services to numerous clients in King County. For the past three (3) years, the Practice has averaged gross revenue of ~$977,059 (2022-2024). Known for its great reputation, loyal client base, and high rate of word-of-mouth referrals, it is no wonder the Practice has an impressive client count. In 2024, the Practice reported 9,359 patient visits. The Practice currently employs fifteen (15) individuals including the Owner who is willing to provide transition assistance and help with goodwill transfer, business development, and other “mentoring” functions for an agreed-upon period.
Gross Revenue:
Year Est.
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